How to Properly Pack for Your LDS Holy Land Cruise

Luxury cruise ship sailing during sunrise

Going on a trip, especially a spiritual one is fulfilling and fun. Not only will you be able to de-stress from work and all other stressors, but you will also get to fill your soul with the spiritual things that you would be seeing and doing.

One of the most popular places that spiritual and religious folks visit is the Holy Land. It has one of the richest histories, especially when you research all about it. Here, we will discuss a couple of things that you should always remember to pack with you when going on a Mormon vacation in the Holy Land.

Prepare Yourself Spiritually

You definitely will learn a lot when you go to the Holy Land for a cruise, but it would not hurt to do your research so you will be familiar with what you will see and experience.

Read a couple of books about it and search for its history, whether online or offline. The great thing about the World Wide Web is you can definitely do your research for free and without limitations, so make the most out of it. You might also be more spiritually connected if you pray a lot more before going on the cruise, so go ahead and practice that.

Bring a Journal

If you would like to keep a record of what you are about to see and experience, then do not forget to bring a journal. It can either come in a form of a notebook and a pen, or you can also use your mobile phone or tablet for it. Laptops can be a bit more difficult to bring along the tour, as this is bulkier and definitely a little bit more difficult to carry.

Your mobile phone would be the most ideal thing to bring, as you can take a picture of the places and take notes both at the same time.

The Type of Clothes and Shoes to Bring

Packed suitcase of vacation itemsThe weather in Israel is usually hot and humid, which means that you will benefit from clothes that can let a lot of air in. For shoes, make sure to wear flats, as you most likely need to walk a lot. Bring a pair of sandals, slippers, or closed shoes that are flat. Sneakers that are quite comfortable are also highly encouraged.

For the clothes, make sure to bring a couple of pairs of pants with you. Most temples and the Citadel will not allow people who are wearing shirts to enter, so make sure to bring a pair of pants, leggings, or a long skirt with you on the trip. For tops, shirts that are quite loose is a great choice, as this will decently cover you up while still letting the breeze in.

Bring Some Hats

Hats that have wide brims are a great choice if you are going to the Holy Land, as it can get pretty sunny and hot during the trip. Not only will the hat or cap protect you from the harmful rays of the sun, but you will also be safe from the wind, sandstorms, and dirt. A pair of sunglasses is also something you should never forget, as the sun can hurt your eyes. It will also protect your eyes from the wind and the sand.

Make sure to pack light when going on an LDS cruise to the Holy Land. You won’t need much, anyway, and what’s important is you will enjoy the experience. Make sure to bring your toiletries, money, and snacks with you, as it can be difficult to find ATMs and stores in the area.

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