Remarkable Cuisines to Try Out During and After the Pandemic


Are you daydreaming of that first-ever bite that will take you to cloud nine right after everything goes back to normal? No worries, we feel the same way as you do. Since most of us are stuck at home and bored, we’ve always wanted to have a bite of that mouth-watering chicken tikka masala or that steaming hot Tagliatelle al Ragù Alla Bolognese from an iconic Italian bistro in our area.

But from what’s happening these days, it might just be a far-flung dream. But there’s no hurt in dreaming — and planning.

Is It Necessary to Go to a Restaurant?

You can, after authorities deem everything as safe. Sure, you might be able to get takeaway food through delivery apps on a mobile phone, but there’s more to gourmet eating or eating “out” than having it delivered to your doorstep. Well, most of us aren’t complaining that we don’t necessarily have to go out, but there’s a certain je ne sais quoi to dining in a restaurant that you can’t get from staring at your telly while stuffing your mouth full of pasta.

On certain occasions, people love the authenticity and exoticism that most restaurants exude — it’s more of a ritual rather than trying to stuff your stomach with calories. For instance, you might need a grill pan for your Korean barbeque that you’re planning on doing with your mates, but it wouldn’t feel authentic without service crews zooming in and out of the kitchen to give you those fat juicy slices of a pork belly, wouldn’t it? The same goes for Indian food: you might need the right amount of plates that you can put all the side dishes, dips, and spices on.

Let’s face it: even though we love cooking for ourselves or enjoying the dishes that our mums and dads made, we can’t deny that we’ve always wanted to dine out. However, dining out at this time isn’t going to be possible, we’re left to eating whatever that we have in our pantry or ordering pizza that’s satisfactory enough.

But whether you’re selling real estate, working remotely from home, or a healthcare worker that’s at the forefront of this health crisis, we’re here to help you with your taste buds.

Cuisines to Die For

It doesn’t hurt to dream about what we want to eat in the future. When there’s a plethora of different cuisines and colourful dishes that we can taste in our town, we won’t have to travel far.

So what are some mouth-watering cuisines that have been making a big comeback this year?


You can never go wrong with Italian food while you’re at home and watching your soap opera of choice while having your favourite glass of wine. If you’re stressed out from a long day at work, nothing beats having some edible dough that’s turned into pizza and pasta. Plus, Italian dishes are so popular that you’ll find this in every corner of the world.

Of course, when handling finger food like pizza or kneading dough, it’s essential to ensure that your hands are washed after touching a variety of surfaces.


Closeup of business people hands, male and female having breakfast at outdoors cafe. Meals with salad, omelette, bacon.British food is relatively simple to make and can be cooked at home with a handful of ingredients. The intense focus on sweet and savoury dishes makes British food unrivalled when it comes to heart food that you can share with your family.

But other than having a multitude of savoury dishes, they’re also known for their beef wellingtons, sausage rolls, and the iconic fish and chips. If you haven’t had any British food before, you’re missing out!


Indian food is known for having a ton of spices; this makes it one of the most fun cuisines that you can try out. You’ll feel bursts of spices and flavour in your palate as soon as you take a few bites. Not only will you experience a plethora of different tastes, but Indian food is also known for being packed with nutrients. Most of the time, you’ll find that most of the ingredients used are vegetables and plant-based, which makes this cuisine friendly to vegetarians and vegans. However, there are numerous meat-based dishes, of course.

You might have to use your hands when you’re handling roti and naan bread, so it’s essential to wash your hands before munching down on food!

Since we’re still trying to stay at home and help flatten the curve, it’s essential to take the necessary precautions. You can even go out, but it should only be for crucial activities. It is also a great time to cook, experiment, and mix-up your ingredients for that favourite meal that you’ve always wanted.

So even though you might not be able to go out to have your favourite meal with your partner over a warmly-lit restaurant, you can still have it in the comfort of your own home.

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